Ordinary Member


Who we are?

The mission of HAEA is the development of the scientific thought, action, research, information and the dialogue for Adult Education. The aims of the Association are mainly the following:

  1. The promotion of the ideas and the principles of Adult Education.
  2. The elaboration of the scientific thought, the dialogue and co-operation on issues related to Adult Education.
  3. The development of initiatives in the sector of research.
  4. The support of initiatives for the application of innovative plans for adult education and training.
  5. The provision of consultation services.
  6. The cooperation with other similar international associations, scientific societies, institutes, research centers, universities, private and public entities.
  7. The professional development of its members.
  8. The development of solidarity, collegiality, as well as of the common professional consciousness among its members.
  9. The promotion and protection of the scientific, educational and professional interests of its members.

The development of a general conscious awareness and information of the wider public about Adult Education issues and in general the diffusion of Adult Education in Greece and abroad.


What we do?

The achievement of HAEA’s aims is accomplished through the following activities:

– Implementation of planning and evaluation studies of adult education programs, as well as scientific researches on relevant topics.

– Organization of public discussions, seminars, congresses, symposiums and conferences at national and International level.

– Designing adult education programs and development of relevant educational material.

-Implementation of European programs co-funded by the European Union.

– Provision of consultation and support to public and private agencies, as well as individuals who are active in the Adult Education field.

– Publication of books and production of printed, audio visual and electronic material tailored to the principles and methods of adult and distance education.

– Publication of the quarterly scientific journal “Adult Education”, which functions under a Scientific Committee and a Reviewing Committee.

– Cooperation with similar Greek and International bodies.

– Activities concerning the promotion and development of professional and scientific interests of the members of the Association.

Best Practices

International projects

HAEA has been involved in the following international projects:

–  EQUAL: “Syn Praxis – Collaboration for employment“. The program, completed in 2007, focused on the upgrade of professional qualification of Employment Advisors who work with sensitive social groups.

–  GRUNDTVIG – Multilateral project:  “E-MODE: Engage trainers in learning MODules and matErial creation“, 2008-2010. The partnership was formed by: KEK-INE/GSEE (GR), HAEA (GR), SQL Ltd (GR), Roskilde University  (DK), FSSK (BG), Scienter Srl. (IT) , Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Center  (SE), Izmir University of Economics (TR). The main goal of the project was to determine the attitudes and practice of adult educators concerning the development of educational modules and material in the framework of distance education.


–  GRUNDTVIG – Multilateral project: “Development of Innovative Methods of Training the TrainersARTiT”, 2010-2012. The partnership was formed by: HAEA (GR),  Hellenic Open University, University of Roskilde (DK), VUCFYN (DK), University of Pitesti (RO) and ABF (SE).The project aimed to the development of an innovative methodology for training adult educators, with the use of distance training, so they are in position to design their educational modules based on the systematic observation of Works of Art and thus promote critical thinking and creativity for their adult learners.

–  GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership program:  “Relational Elements of the Teaching Role- RETRO”, 2009-2011. The partnership was formed by: HAEA (GR), Limerick Institute of Technology (IR), Adult Education Centre of South Karelia (FI), Siauliai State College (LT), The Fullness-of-Life Academy Association (PL).  The project aimed to support adult educators to manage successfully the relationships developed during the education of seniors, disadvantaged individuals, migrants, individuals of various educational backgrounds, but also in typical groups of learners.

– Grundtvig – Multilateral project«INTOOL: It is Never Too Late For  Learning to Learn», 2012 – 2014. The partnership is formed by: ENAIP TOSCANA FORMAZIONE E LAVORO (IT),  HAEA (GR), Zemgale NGO Centre (LV), Soros Educational Center Foundation (RO), LEB (DE), I.P.G (ES). The project’s objective is to develop a set of materials (Tool Box) that trainers and adult educators can use to improve their activities with adult learners focusing mainly to the development of the learning to learn competence.

– Grundtvig Learning Partnership program: “Memory in later life: learning-supporting-developing -Memory ”, 2012 – 2014. The partnership is formed by: The Fullness-of-Life Academy Association (PL), The Frankfurter Verband fϋr Alten-und Behindertenhilfe e.v. (DE), The Courses Educational and Cultural Association (HU), The Union of the Italian Adult Education Organisations (IT) and the Association for Education and Ageing (UK)/. It aims to explore various practical memory and mnemonic rules, methods and techniques which might be implemented by teachers and seniors in order to help them perceive and use their memories more positively.

-Grundtvig – Multilateral project« Innovative approaches to develop vocational Skills of People with severe disabilities- SkiP» is project addressing the individual and social needs of people affected by severe disabilities, promoting training and improving learning opportunities to avoid their marginalization and loss of human capital. To ensure that adult people with severe disabilities reach their full potential and receive the support they deserve, qualified operators and trainers are needed to provide these individuals with self-determination skills. When people with severe disabilities can learn to advocate themselves, the dependence on other is reduced and their social integration’s choices get higher.

-Grundtvig – Multilateral project«E-Methodics and Didactics in Adult Education –  E-ducate» is a project aiming to incorporate  new methods for learning in adult education system by training trainers and supporting developing and producing seminars using  e-Moderation and e-Didactics approaches such as webinars and video seminars.

Erasmus+ Multilateral project «Train the Provider» is addresing structural and operational differences in regards to staff training within the adult education sector. The partnership is formed by: AEWB (DE), HAEA (GR), Universitea din Pitesti (RO), FolkeuniversitetetØst (NO). In an issue-based approach partners identify specific problems and topics from each organisation’s individual context and compare strategies, collectively work on solutions for common problems and extrapolate good practice examples. The goal is to gain new perspectives and to find hands-on solutions for problems commonly facing providers of adult education training through exchange across national borders. Ultimately, the project aims to establish the basis for a European canon of benchmarks that will allow for comparison beyond the original consortium. The project will take place between 01.10.2017 – 31.08.2019.

Erasmus+ project: «LEVEL Up! Learning Networks in Europe» aims at bringing together adult education organisations, circulate and exchange their experiences referring to applying for learning. For this purpose, partnerships were developed by: Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen e.V. – LEB (DE), HAEA (GR), Latvian Adult Education Association – LAEA (LV), Association Generations – GEN (BG), Sinergia società cooperative sociale – Sinergias.c.s. (IT), Spektrum Educational Center Foundation – SEC (RO). The partners are willing to act as receiving and sending organizations for European learning mobilities need support in the fields of application, organisation and implementation.

Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEΑ) has been carrying out and collaborating in international projects under Erasmus+ as a host organization. For over a decade provides training courses in adult education (such as “The use of art in adult education”, “Designing the implementation of a training course in a blended format” etc.), which are designed to meet the professional and personal needs of all those working at Universities (academic & administrative staff), teachers at primary and secondary education, VET staff and trainers and anyone else with a professional role in adult learning across Europe.

International Conferences:

  • 1st International Conference of Adult Education, Athens, 22-23 October 2004. Among the speakers were Sally Brown, Peter Jarvis, Phil Race, Alan Rogers.
  • 2nd International Conference “Adult Education & Social Competences”, Athens, 16-18 December 2005. Among the speakers were Olesen Henning Salling.
  • 3rd International Conference “Adult Educators: Their Education and Professionalization”: took place in Piraeus, 14-16 March 2008. Among the speakers were Brian Findsen and representatives of the Swedish organization ABF.
  •  9th Transformative Learning Conference was held in Athens, 28th – 29th May 2011. Among the speakers were John Dirkx (Michigan State University, USA), Elizabeth Kasl (USA), Ed Taylor (Penn State University-Harrisburg, USA), Kathleen Taylor (USA), Elizabeth Tisdell (Penn State University-Harrisburg, USA)
  • Organization of the 1stConference of the new network “Interrogating transformative processes in learning and education: an international dialogue” – which functions under the umbrella of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) – titled «What’s the point of transformative learning?», to be held in  Athens, Greece, 27th-29th June, 2014.
  • Organization of the second International Conference, under the auspices of ESREA, titled “Interrogating Transformative processes in learning and education: an international dialogue”-which functions under the umbrella of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) – titled «What’s the point of transformative learning?», Athens, June 2016.


International co-operations:

HAEA is a member of EAEA and ESREA networks.

HAEA is cooperating with distinguished scientists who have significantly contributed to Adult Education and have a general recognition within international scientific milieu of our discipline

  1. Peter Jarvis, University of Surrey
  2. Knud Illeris, University of Copenhagen
  3. Jane Thompson, Unesco, Niace
  4. Colin Griffin, Universtity of Surrey
  5. Alan Rogers, University of East Anglia
  6. Henning Salling Olesen, Roskilde University (Denmark)
  7. Brian Fidsen, Glasgow University
  8. Ira Shor, City University of New York

National activities:

  1. Accreditation of Greek Trainers of Continuing Vocational Training

Members of the HAEA, most of them scientists cooperating with the Greek Open University, one of the partners who undertook the project, worked under the guidance of Pr A. Kokkos, President of HAEA and Professor of Greek Open University in Adult Education. They researched the training needs, designed the training program and the training material, while some members of HAEA were certified as Trainers of Trainers and others as Evaluators. Through this project,  realized under the auspices of The Minister of Employment and Social Protection, 14.000 Adult Educators have been trained (300 hours) and accredited (enter the register of EKEPIS, The National Accreditation Centre for Continuing Vocational Training).

  1. 2004-2018 Seminars
  • Train the trainer seminars (focusing on participating methods and techniques in adult education)
  • Workshops for adult trainers and high school teachers (focusing on communication and communication skills)
  • Workshops on the issue “Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience”.
  • 10 seminars “Theory and Applications of Transformative Learning”
  • Ε-learning innovative program on the method “CRITICAL AND CREATIVE LEARNING THROUGH ART” The programme is offered in English and Greek. This is e-learning programme, 150 hours duration, which runs on our platform for a period of 15 weeks. It is aimed at school teachers and adult educators, who wish to upgrade their skills by mastering the use of works of fine arts, literature, theatre, music, movies and dance, for the enrichment of their teaching practice. (NEW)
  • E-learning program on the issue “ TRAIN OF TRAINERS”. A highly intense e-learning training course, 150 hours duration, designed for adult trainers, training practitioners and school teachers. Participants will gain a strong foundation in the basic theoretical background regarding adult learning; while at the same time will develop critical training skills and new approaches for delivering effective trainings. The programme is offered in English and Greek. (NEW)

International activities (2004-2018):
We have organized many workshops with leading theorists of adult education, e.g. Jack Mezirow, Knud Illeris and Birgitte Simonsen,   Jane Thomson, Katarina Popovic,  Peter Jarvis, Ira Shor , Michel Alhadeff-Jones, Linden West.


The scientific Journal “Adult Education” (40 volumes published already) is the only scientific journal for adult education issues in Greece. The International Advisory Committee of the journal is formed by scientists with general recognition within international scientific field of Adult education. These are: Brown Sally, Griffin Colin, Jarvis Peter, Race Phil, Rogers Alan, Fay Richard



The following books have been published by HAEA:

– Chasidou, M. (2009). Critical Reflection and Transformation in Adult Education through the art of Theater. Using as an example Ibsen’s “Vampires”.


Efstratoglou A. (2006). Basic dimensions of literacy in Greece.

Kokkos, A. (2008). Educating Trainers in Greece: Evaluation study of the first national Train the Trainers program.


– Kokkos, A. (2017). Education and Emancipatory: Transforming stereotypical ideas in school and adult education.
Lazaridou, T. (2010). Third Age Education

Lintzeris, P.(2007). The importance of critical reflection and rational dialogue in Jack Mezirow’s  theory of  Transformative Learning

  –  Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Hellenic Adult Education Association (2004).

  Proceedings of the 9th Transformative learning Conference (2011).

– Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the network “Interrogating transformative processes in learning and education” (2014).

– Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the network “Interrogating Transformative processes in learning and education”(2016).



EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.

Members in Greece

Ordinary member

Athens Lifelong Learning Institute

Our mission at the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute is to foster and enhance innovation processes mainly in the areas of...
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Associate member


Odyssea is a nonprofit organization that supports young vulnerable people to have access to employment opportunities in society.
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Ordinary member


 Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEΑ) is a scientific non-profit association based in Athens, Greece. HAEA today has approximately 1100 members,...
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Associate member

Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης- Vocational Training Centre (DAFNI KEK)

The Vocational Training Center “DAFNI” was founded 1996 by a team of scientists with major goal to combat unemployment (especially...
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Members by country

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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Republic of North Macedonia
United Kingdom