Ordinary Member

Oerlikonerstrasse 38, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)44 319 71 71
Email: info (at) alice.ch
WWW: http://www.alice.ch
Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung (SVEB) - Swiss Federation for Adult Learning
Who we are?
«We are the voice of adult learning in Switzerland»
The Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB) is the umbrella organisation for general and vocational adult learning and operates as a professional association and pressure group.
Membership of SVEB includes private and state schools, associations, as well as regional officials in charge of adult learning. SVEB groups over 700 members. SVEB has permanent secretariats in German-, French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland.
What we do?
The diverse activities of the SVEB divided into the following areas:
Representing the interests of the members in education policy
The “educational policy” includes activities that improve the general framework for the continuing education. SVEB is actively involved in ducational policy developments and comments on current issues.
Promoting professionalization and the quality of continuing education
The train the trainers (AdA modular system) is the main pillar of professionalization in the field.
To the quality assurance belongs the label eduQua, ModuQua and project work.
Awareness of the continuing education and lifelong learning
Here, the main activity is the learning festival. In addition, the association is active in numerous national and international awareness raising projects.
Networking of all stakeholder of the continuing education
SVEB creates networking platforms for its members to build their own networks national and abroad and links partners from education, politics, economics together.
Promotion of equal opportunities in education
SVEB is committed to the promotion of basic skills of adults. He developed principles and perspectives in the areas of labor market ability, 50plus, integration and training in SMEs.
Communications and Events
Through media coverage and the information in suitable media, the perception of the training is being constantly reinforced. In addition, the SVEB is present with its own events in the education landscape in Switzerland.
Marketing and Services
This area also includes the various membership services, the SVEB administration and the marketing and distribution of SVEB products.
Our best practices
- The Swiss train the trainer system is an important pillar of professionalization of adult education in Switzerland.
- SVEB is the responsible body of eduQua an important quality label for adult
education providers in Switzerland. - SVEB’s GO Model helps promoting basic skills based on the needs at the work place.
- SVEB advocates for policies, which support access to adult education for everyone.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Switzerland

Ordinary member
Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung (SVEB) - Swiss Federation for Adult Learning
Members by country
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