Ordinary Member
Box 380 74 Rosenlundsgatan 50 100 64 Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0) 8 412 48 00
Email: henrik.dahl (at) folkbildningsradet.se; info (at) folkbildningsradet.se
WWW: http://www.folkbildningsradet.se/om-folkbildningsradet/Oversattningar/English-translations/
Folkbildningsrådet - The Swedish National Council of Adult Education
Who we are?
The Swedish National Council of Adult Education is a non-profit association with certain authoritative tasks delegated by the government and the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament). It is a non-profit organisation founded in 1991 by the three member organisations:
- The Swedish National Federation of Study Associations,
- the Interest Organisation for Popular Movement Folk High Schools and the
- Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.
The funding for the council comes from the government and the purposes of the support is to:
• strengthen and develop democracy
• make it possible for people to influence their own lives and create commitment to participate in social development
• eliminate educational disparities and raise the level of enlightenment and education in society
• broaden interest in culture and increase participation in cultural life
The National Council of Adult Education’s office is located in Stockholm, at which around twentyfive people are employed.
What we do?
The Council distributes government grants to study associations and folk high schools, submits budgetary documentation, annual reports to the government and follows up and evaluates adult education activities. The Council also works with certain assignments from the members.
In Sweden there are currently 10 study associations to which the Swedish National Council of Adult Education distributes grants. The study associations have different profiles and emphases in their activities. There are close connections between the study associations and the Swedish popular movements, such as disabled, immigrant or environmental organisations.The study associations are located throughout Sweden.
Folk high schools are a separate nationwide type of educational establishment, offering a wide range of long and short courses based on people’s needs and willingness to learn, expand or acquire eligibility for further study. Together, the 154 folk high schools host almost 90,000 participants on short courses and around 28,000 on long courses every year. In addition, 240,000 or so people visit folk high school cultural programmes.
Our best practices
Folkbildning’s Direction & Intent. The document focuses on the role and tasks of Swedish study associations and folk high schools.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Sweden
Ordinary member
Lärarförbundet - the Swedish Teachers’ Union
Ordinary member
RIO: Rörelsefolkhögskolornas Intresseorganisaiton - The Interest Organization for Popular Movement Folk High Schools
Ordinary member
Folkbildningsrådet - The Swedish National Council of Adult Education
Ordinary member
Studieförbunden - Swedish Adult Education Association (SAEA)
Members by country
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