Associate Member

C/ Claramunt 4, local 2 08030 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: (0034) 93 315 29 69
Email: facepa (at)
Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) - Federation of Cultural and Adult Education Associations
Who we are?
FACEPA gathers adults with no university qualifications taking part in adult education and governing their associations by means of direct participation in social, cultural, educational, political and economic fields in their territory. Our purpose is to work collectively towards a democratic educational and cultural model, in which the voices of people with no academic qualifications and who, because of this, have been excluded from public debate are taken into account.
What we do?
FACEPA goals are to
a) Promote Adult Education – basic education, occupational training and cultural and leisure education from a critical and transformational perspective;
b) Endorse a Social and Democratic Model of Adult Education based on participation;
c) Promote territorial projects in Adult Education according to the demands and needs of the different groups (women groups; cultural groups i.e. Roma community; immigrant groups, etc.);
d) Encourage the exchange of experiences, congresses, training and cultural activities;
e) To fight against gender violence, racism and xenophobia.
FACEPA serves associations developing adult education, cultural programmes and activities for population at risk of social exclusion. We have a long standing relationship with local, national and European universities, administration and NGOs in the field of adult education, culture and social affairs. FACEPA develop activities on Adult education and adult literacy; Democratic adult education; ICT literacy and media literacy; New technologies and social participation; Groups at risk of social exclusion; Counselling; Civil participation; Deliberative democracy and democratic participation, Intercultural Dialogue.
FACEPA activities involve different areas of action, some of them are: 1) Intercultural dialogue by organizing and developing the multicultural group and developing activities to work within the adult education classrooms to break down the rumours and prejudices on immigrants. 2) Gender area by organization and dynamisation of the Women’s Group. 3) Organizing and developing Dialogic Literary and Musical Gatherings. 4) Promoting the right to education and digital literacy and participation. 5) Developing training sessions for volunteers in adult education.
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Spain

Associate member
Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe

Associate member
Asociación ECCA

Ordinary member
Federación Española de Universidades Populares (FEUP) Spanish Federation of Popular Universities

Associate member
Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) - Federation of Cultural and Adult Education Associations

Ordinary member
Associació Catalana per a l´Educació, la Formació i la Recerca (ACEFIR) - Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research
Members by country
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