Associate Member

Vasile Carlova 24 Timisoara, Romania
Phone: (0040) 721 362 036
Email: daiana.huber (at)
Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (CPIP) - Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning
Who we are
Our vision is a European one. Education overcomes the borders of scholarly age and training is a lifestyle that goes beyond the walls of a specialized institution. With this in mind, the CPIP team promotes a fundamental concept for our existence as specialists active in European construction: lifelong learning.
Our mission is to bring forward the concept of lifelong learning and make it accessible to the communities with which we come into contact. In this way, we can contribute to the development and implementation of coherent policies in the field of education and professional training starting from data based on practical evidence.
What we do
The Center for promoting lifelong learning – CPIP is a non-governmental, non-profit institution active in the educational and social field.
1. Lifelong Learning- We promote the culture of “lifelong learning” through the active involvement of community members in developing a coherent implementation strategy of the concept and practice of lifelong learning.
2. Social involvement- We develop specific programs which facilitate the communication of the association’s values within a heterogeneous, multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural community.
3. Counseling and training- We organize permanent and temporary classes, seminars, and workshops with internal and international attendance.
4. Project development- We develop alternative programs with an educational or informative character.
We develop national and international projects on various social and educational topics. Our projects are co-financed by the European Commission through various programs designed for education, culture and audio-visual tools
Services- Our expertise has over 10 years of activity in the field of training and education on the European market, focusing on projects co-financed by the European Commission.
• Offering information and counseling services for: career guidance, development and orientation, training of trainers, project management, human resources management, organizational management, quality management for adult education institutions etc;
• Developing alternative educational and training programs;
• Designing, developing and implementing quality management strategies in the training and counseling of adults;
• Organizing seminars, conferences, public campaigns and other actions needed for lifelong learning promotion;
• Elaborating and implementing national and international programs and projects concerning social and educational aspects;
• Training, counseling, facilitating and integrating on the labor market disadvantaged persons such as: persons from rural and remote areas, children from orphanages that are 18 or over, street children, abused women, etc;
• Gender mainstreaming ;
• Organizing national and international courses, seminars, training sessions, round tables, workshops with permanent or temporary character;
• Developing, printing and spreading own publication such as: flyers, leaflets, brochures, annual rapport, books, articles, newsletters, etc;
Best practices
Leonardo da Vinci 2012 LLP-LdV-ToI-2012-RO-025
My Community Passport Key Competencies for Minor Offender Reintegration
MYCOMPASS Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning RO
Leonardo da Vinci 2012 2012-1-NL1-LEO05-08714-
STC – Sustainability through Creativity ROC Midden Netherland
Leonardo da Vinci 2012 LLP-LdV-ToI-12-CY-1671208- Learning from Analogy-LEAN Eurosuccess Ldt CY
Leonardo da Vinci 2012 Talent 4 ….Europe UK/12/LLP-LdV/TOI-594 – T4 Ride Out UK
Grundtvig 2013 539414-LLP-1-2013-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-GMP -European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System – EIS-ALP Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning RO
Leonardo da Vinci 2013 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37747-
Developing senior human capital and promoting active aging through teaching and coaching- TRAINCODE Polska Fundacja Ośrodków Wspomagania
Rozwoju Gospodarczego “OIC Poland”
Leonardo da Vinci 2013 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37816-
Competences of future COFFE Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w
Leonardo da Vinci 2013 539766-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LMP-
New skills and competences to address skills gaps and mismatch within the sectors working with Gang and Youth Crime across Europe- EUGANGS TITAN Partnership UK
Leonardo da Vinci 2013 2013-1-TR1-LEO05-47516 AGRIcultural Youngsters Oriented Ultimate Training Handbook
Agri Youth University of CANAKKALE, TR
Comenius 2013 539357-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-Comenius-CMP Training teachers to use mobile (hand held) technologies within mainstream school education MLEARN TITAN Partnership Ltd UK
DAPHNE III 2014 JUST/2013/DAP/AG/5364
Addressing bullying in the
physical and virtual classroom incorporating
cyber bullying EUBULLY TITAN Partnership Ltd UK
ERASMUS+ 2014 2014-1-PL01-KA202-003633 Social Entrepreneurship Support Europe SESEU OIC Poland Foundation
ERASMUS+ 2014 2014 -1-ES01-KA202-003703
Active job placement of disadvantaged women in the field
of White Jobs (Residential
and Assisted Living Care) CAREMPLOY Iniciativas Innovadoras SAL –
ERASMUS+ 2014 2014-1-RO01-KA204-002936 Innovation, Development and Communication for a better education in Prison System-IDECOM Timisoara Penitentiary –
ERASMUS+ 2014 2014-1-PT01-KA204-001070 Ecological Economics in Prison- ECOPRIS Innovative Prison Systems –
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Romania

Ordinary member
Dan Voiculescu Foundation for Romania’s Development

Associate member
Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (CPIP) - Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning

Associate member
Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila - Association for Education and Sustainable Development (AESD)

Ordinary member
EUROED: Asociaţia Euro Adult Education - EUROED: Euro Adult Education Association
Members by country
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