Ordinary Member

ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich
Who we are?
The ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich (ARGE BHÖ) is a network of 20 educational centres, and the federal association of Austrian educational centres.
It is the ARGE BHÖ’s objective to represent member institutions regarding education policy to the outside, and to promote and support internal exchange. The collective quality criteria (ISO9001:2015) and the further education programmes for the educational centre staff are part of the main activities.
The ARGE BHÖ is a member of the KEBÖ (Austrian Conference of Adult Education Institutions).
The educational centres themselves are autonomous Austrian adult education institutions of varying ownership. They dispose over an independent, multifaceted education programme and the possibility of overnight stays. They offer their guests and participants modern, high-grade seminar rooms and excellent meals.
What we do?
- Representing members’ interests with the important institutions in educational policy and with other associations of adult education centres, as well as with the responsible bodies and the general public.
- Support with securing the economic basis for adult education in the member centres by obtaining financial and human resources from public authorities
- Cooperating with other adult education associations on a national and international level
- Planning, organizing, carrying out and analyzing further education for the staff of the adult education centres
- Elaborating and further developing quality criteria, elaborating measures to maintain and check quality standards
- Networking among members (see manual, chapter 7.1)
- Image campaign for adult education in adult education centres.
- Observing and helping shape the legal and structural framework of adult education
- Developing, carrying out and evaluating joint educational projects
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Austria

Associate member
Katholisches Bildungswerk Kärnten (KBW)

Associate member
Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH (VHS Wien) - The Viennese Adult Education Center Ltd.

Ordinary member
Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (VÖV) - Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres

Associate member
Bildungshaus Retzhof GmbH

Ordinary member
ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich
Members by country
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