Associate Member

Legal office: via Petrarca 25 ℅ Spazio X, 81100, Caserta; Turin office: via Galvani 14, 10144, Torino; Celolle office: Via delle Agavi 596-600, 81030, Baia Domizia, Cellole
Phone: 3288940212
Didaxé cooperativa sociale a R.L.
Who we are
We are a young and dynamic training agency. We aim to promote innovative and qualitative vocational programmes, valuable to participants of all ages, Italian and from abroad, whether students or teachers/trainers, and accessible through various funding sources.
Didaxé was founded in 2016, as an association named Tellus Italy. We were part of the Tellus Education Group, a vocational training centre
based in the UK and with offices in Spain and Poland. In 2018 the association was transformed into a social cooperative, and in 2019 we changed our name to Didaxé, leaving the Tellus environment, but keeping the cooperation open.
Finally, in 2020, Didaxé obtained the management, for the next 15 years, of a villa confiscated by the mafia in Cellole, Campania region. Here the cooperative has obtained the Erasmus accreditation as a consortium coordinator in the field of adult education.
What we do
We are mainly a training and educational entity. Our main activities include partnering with Erasmus plus project promoters and offering training in Turin for students and trainers across the VET, School, Adult and Higher Education Sectors. We provide courses and training for adult learners at risk of social marginalisation, focusing on digital skills, entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy and the rights of the workers’ awareness.
At Officine Didaxé we promote cultural activities and exchanges. We promote Erasmus plus mobilities for staff and adult learners together with the entity members of the consortium. Finally, we provide health and safety at work training for workers through our online platform.
Best practices
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Italy

Associate member
Research Institute for Development, Economy and Innovation - Accademia IRSEI APS

Associate member
Didaxé cooperativa sociale a R.L.

Associate member
CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'Educazione e lo Sviluppo

Associate member
Arcipelago APS

Associate member
Università delle LiberEtà del FVG - ETS

Associate member
Università Senza Età - Città del Trattato (USE) Ageless University

Ordinary member
Confederazione Nazionale delle Universitá Popolari Italiane (CNUPI)

Ordinary member
Associazione Italiana di Socioterapia (AIST) - Italian Sociotherapy Association ONLUS
Members by country
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