Associate Member
MINDFLUENCER Community Public Benefit Association - MINDFLUENCER Közösség Közhasznú Egyesület
Who we are
The Mindfluencer Community Public Benefit Association is an organisation that aims to support and empower young, ambitious individuals who want to make valuable contributions to society. The focus is on connecting, contributing, and assisting in national and international activities. We act as an incubator for the well-being of Hungary and its people. Through inclusive programmes we are dedicated to supporting disadvantaged social groups, such as the Roma population, to improve their quality of life. In our tools, you can find children and youth camps, training and employment projects, mentoring, and career guidance. Our work includes eliminating illiteracy by promoting both basic and digital literacy.
Our organisation actively addresses and solves the challenges faced by our target groups and supports innovation in businesses and alternative employment opportunities. We offer our members a platform to develop their ideas and innovations for self-employment. Additionally, we play an active role in the development of cultural and community life through educational, cultural, and advisory activities. Our mission is to promote the healthy and harmonious development, education, and employment of young people while fostering innovation.
What we do
The MINDFLUENCER Community Public Benefit Association seeks to form partnerships across the EU and other countries from 2020 to 2027. With 22 years of experience, we have successfully implemented projects in Hungary and beyond, including underprivileged areas like Muzzafarpur, India, and Delhi’s slums. Our team consists of experts in law, education, public administration, business, management, community organisation, and regional development. We focus on youth affairs, job creation, and inclusion.
Our future priorities involve talent management, incubation, and mentoring programmes. We work on transferable knowledge for mutual development, and inclusion programmes for individual growth. For communities and start-ups, we have organisational development, project-based traineeships, and the creation of an online community platform. This platform is available at In the next two years, we will centralise project insights, community events, family programmes, training activities, and achievements. Finally, we will also facilitate global collaboration and partnerships.
“Mindful Thinking” training since 2013.
“Chance for millions” – establishing a school in slums of India.
Supporting the Growth of Self- efficacy of Young Adults (pdf)
The first international conference on recent trends in multi-disciplinary scientific research 2022 (ICRTMSR) (image with FB link)
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Hungary
Associate member
MINDFLUENCER Community Public Benefit Association - MINDFLUENCER Közösség Közhasznú Egyesület
Associate member
Modus Alapítvány - Modus Foundation
Associate member
Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE) - Centre for Educators’ Association (CEA)
Associate member
Pécsi Tudományegyetem Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar - Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development - University of Pécs
Ordinary member
Magyar Népfőiskolai Társaság - Hungarian Folk High School Society (HFHSS)
Members by country
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