Associate Member

Mr. Balázs Németh Szántó Kovács j.u. 1/B H-7633 Pécs, Hungary
Phone: (0036) 72 50 1500 / 22531
Pécsi Tudományegyetem Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar - Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development - University of Pécs
Who we are?
The Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development was established in May 2005. With its nearly 1,602 students, it is one of the most specialized faculties of the University of Pécs. Beside training programmes in several traditional fields, the Faculty is a leading centre and co-ordinator of adult education in the region, so it also offers further training programs in special fields, post-secondary vocational training and special courses, and organises and hosts various conferences. The Faculty gives priority to enhancing research and development in collaboration with other national and international universities and state or civic organisations.
What we do?
BA in Adult Education (Andragogy) with specifications in Adult Education, Employment Counselling, and Cultural Management; MA in Adult Education (Andragogy); MA in Adult Education Facilitator/Teacher; MA in Library and Information Science; MA in HR Counselling (Also in English); MA in Cultural Mediation; MA in Teachers/Facilitators of Library and Information Science; Post Secondary VET in areas of HRD, Social and Youth work, and Tourism; Research, Innovation and Developments in designated projects and European research initiatives.
Memberships in EAEA and EUCEN.
Our best practices
LLP Leonardo da Vinci Program Innovation Transfer
VETWORKS project – Quality Development of VET Systems in local and regional partnerships – Development and testing of the SPEAK model
Period: 2009-2011. Project no.: Lenoardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation 2009-1-PL1-LEO05-05050
LLP Grundtvig Program R3L+ project
Development of the Management of Learning Regions.
Period: 2009-2011. Project no.: 504475-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
European Storhouse of Learning City-Region models in Europe with website and audit system.
Period: 2009-2011. Project no.: LLP KA4 projekt: 505683-LLP-UK-2009-KA4-KA4MP
LLP Leonardo da Vinci program
OBSERVAL project – VPL and RPL in VET programmes for Adult Learners. Collecting good practices to Weblink
Period: 2007-2009. Project no.: Leonardo da Vinci Networks 133980-LLP-1-BE-LEONARDO-LNW
Socrates Grundtvig 4
PENR3L-PASCAL EUROPEAN NETWORK OF LEARNING REGIONS – Development of European Learning Cities and Regions.
Period: 2008-2009. Project no.: DISSEMINATION PROJECT – 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G12
Socrates Grundtvig4 Equipe+ Project.
Development of HEI-based adult education and VET programmes.
Period: 2005-2007; Project no.: 225932-CP-1-2005-1-BE-G4
Socrates-Grundtvig 4
Encourage Lifelong Learning – Active Age. Supporting Elderly Learning.
Period: 2005-2006 Project no.: 2005-4679/001-002 SO2-81AW
Socrates Grundtvig1.2_DILLMULI-project.
Comparative Analysis of Lifelong Learning Activities and Missions of Museums and Libraries.
Period: 2005-2007. Project no.: 225925-CP-2005-1-DE-Grundtvig G1
Socrates Grundtvig1_LILARA-project.
Survey on Learning Activities of Local and Regional Authorities.
Period: 2005-2007. Project no.: 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1
Socrates2 – Erasmus/Thematic Networks
EULLearN network. Networking for Lifelong Learning Development of European HEIs.
Period: 2004. – 2007. Project no.: 109783-CP-2-2004-1-ERASMUS-TN
Socrates2 Grundtvig1 Program: TEACH-project.
Development of an Adult Education MA curriculum.
Period: 2004. – 2006. Project no.: 114093-CP-1-2004-1-PL-Grundtvig-G1
Socrates2 Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP) – IP in Adult Education.
Development of Adult Education Research
Period: 2002.- 2004. Project no.: 29975-IC-1-6-2001-1-DE-ERASMUS-IP-
Socrates2 Grundtvig Program –
Museums as Places for Lifelong Learning.
Period: 2003. – 2005. Project no.: S – GR2-6/2003
European Program FRAMEWORK5 – RE-ETGACE-project.
Re-Examining Education and Training for Governance and Active Citizenship in Europe.
Period: 2003. – 2004. Project no.: HPSE-CT-2002-60054
Leonardo da Vinci VELDE-project. Supporting young adult with learning difficulties in VET systems in Europe. Period: 2001. – 2004. Project no.:2900-1299/001-001
Socrates2 THENUCE+Thematic Programme – Development of Adult Education Provision of HEIs in Europe. Period: 2000. – 2003.Project no.: 10033-CP-3-2002-BE-ERASMUS-TN
Németh, Balázs – F. Pöggeler (2002) (eds.) Ethics, Ideals and Ideologies in the History of Adult Education. Peter Lang, Hamburg. ISBN 3- 631-38561-7/ISSN 0934-3695/ US-ISBN 0-8204-5440-0
Lifelong Learning – historical overview. In Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine (2003.) (hrsg.): Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. An European view as perceived by participants in exchange programme. Verlag Dr. Kovac, Berlin. Pp. 13 – 23.
Globalisation, lifelong learning and their impacts on adult education of Central East-European countries. In Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. Vol. 9. No.1. 2003. Pp. 74-81.
Németh, Balázs – Jutta Thinesse-Demel (eds.) (2005) Museums as learning places. LERNMUSE- A SOCRATES-Accompanying Measures. University of Pécs. Project number: 2002-3478/001-001 SO2 81AWC, PTE TTK FEEFI. Pécs. ISSN 1787-4815
Higher Education, lifelong learning and regional development. In: Doyle, L. – Adams, D. – Tibbitt, J. – Welsh, P. (eds.) (2008) Building Stronger Communities. Connecting research, policy and practice. NIACE, Leicester.Pp. 82-102.
The Impact of Lifelong Learning upon Institutional Strategies or the Underestimation of University Lifelong Learning. In: MMIKL Szín – Confintea VI. 13./6. 2008. december. Pp. 22-35.
UNESCO’s impact upon the development of HE for lifelong learning through its key statements and policy documents. In. Andragogical Studies, Belgrade/ YU ISSN0354-5415. 11/2009. Pp. 251-263.
Davies, P. – Németh, B. – Pausits, A.: Development and Management of University Lifelong Learning. In. Huisman, J. – Pausits, A. (eds.) (2010) Higher Education Management and Development. WAXMANN, Münster. Pp. 147-159.
Developing Adult Learning for Active Citizenship – A Challenging Aspect of University Lifelong Learning. “Democracy, Freedom and Entrepreneurship in the Context of a Globalized Civil Society” – WCCI 14th World Conference in Education. Pécs, 2010. July 11-17. CD-Rom, ISBN 978-963-642-331-5
The Accelerating Roles of Higher Education in Regions through the European Lifelong Learning Initiative. In. European Journal of Education, Special Issue: Building European Learning Cities and Regions. Volume 45, Issue 3/2010 Pp. 451–465.
CONFINTEA VI follow-up and the role of university lifelong learning: Some issues for European higher education. In. International Review of Education, Special Issue: Volume 57, Issue 1. Number 1-2, 2011. 107-125 old.
Kleisz, Teréz – Balázs Németh: Conditions and Perspectives of the Learning City-Region Development in Pécs to Influence Social Cohesion in the Region. In. Kearns, Peter – Kling, Sofia – Wistman, Christina (eds.) (2011) Heritage, Regional Development and Social Cohesion. Fornvardaren 31. Jamtli Förlag, Östersund. ISBN 978-91-7948-235-0. 130-143. old.
Country Report on the Action Plan on Adult Learning: Hungary. GHK – Research voor Beleid. 2011 március. Az Impact of ongoing reforms in education and training on the adult learning sector c. kutatás felmérése az Európai Bizottság számára.
Eckert, T. – Preisinger-Kleine, R. – Fartusnic, C. – Houston, M. – Juceviciené, P. – Dillon, B. – Németh, B. – Kleisz, T. – Ceseviciute, I. – Thinesse-Demel, J. – Osborne, M. – Wallin, M. (2012) Quality in Developing Learning Cities and Regions. A Guide for Practitioners and Stakeholders. Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich. ISBN 978-3-00-037333-6
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Hungary

Associate member
MINDFLUENCER Community Public Benefit Association - MINDFLUENCER Közösség Közhasznú Egyesület

Associate member
Modus Alapítvány - Modus Foundation

Associate member
Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE) - Centre for Educators’ Association (CEA)

Associate member
Pécsi Tudományegyetem Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar - Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development - University of Pécs

Ordinary member
Magyar Népfőiskolai Társaság - Hungarian Folk High School Society (HFHSS)
Members by country
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