Associate Member

Elaiochorion Dytikis Achaias, Nik. Nteve 22, Ovria 26500 Patras, Greece
Phone: (0030) 26 930 611 32
Email: info (at)
Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης- Vocational Training Centre (DAFNI KEK)
Who we are?
DAFNI KEK is certified LLL-Center that develops its activities in connection to the local needs and challenges. DAFNI KEK participates in various Calls in favor of Adult Learning by responding to National and European Funding frameworks. We are in constant cooperation with the broader Community of Educators, as also with the (Life and Job) Counselors by understanding (their) training needs especially working with disadvantaged groups and planning training opportunities locally or in European level for their professional evolution. Intercultural communication and awareness consist the focus of our learning interventions by bringing in contact groups and individuals from the broader community milieu. DAFNI KEK applies learning courses in alliance to other local institutions (CYCLISIS and LPfA) to whom keeps vital interrelation in favor of diversity of learning plans and individual paths to participation. The institution applies also self reflection strategies, in order to transform its services and opportunities in line with the needs and challenges occur, connecting the local with the global reality. Within all these cooperations we try to involve our learners in the critical involvement and lifelong learning culture. Always new frames, new environments and ideas come to make them more motivated to continue being with us in this fascinating learning route – Making the New European Agenda, the DigitSkills and the Upskilling Pathways a reality in all localities – the remote included in our core strategy .
What we do?
DAFNI KEK(LLL-Center) provides short term courses and seminars targeted to all interested and in specific:
- ICT courses ( Basic Skills)
- Courses to unemployed in the frame of voucher system (connected to workplace experience)
- Basic Skills ( blended learning) courses in connection to Outputs produced within various ERASMUS projects ( Basic entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship and Volunteerism)
- Train of the Trainers in specific issues related to Adult Education and Learning
- Training Volunteers in Motivation and Social Empowerment Strategies
- Artistic courses ( ancient drama masks creation) in cooperation with Artist Magda Roussis
- ProfilPASS group sessions for self empowerment and nin formal skills identification
- Job Search and Consultancy ( in cooperation with LPfA) : CV development, linking to job market and interviews with employers
- WORLD CAFÉ and Film Education sessions (in cooperation with CYCLISIS)
- Piloting sessions on various innovative methodologies and tools in connection to EU projects ( NFIL Validation, Life Skills, Key Competences, e-portfolios development, Learning Centers as Community Centers, etc)
- Migrants support ( information center on integration issues, Greek language courses, linking to job market opportunities, etc) via Outreach activities
- Publications in Greek language
- On line courses ( DAFNI KEK e-platform) under registration
- 3monthly Newsletters
- Networking in local, national and European level in the field of Adult Education
- Integration courses to Roma population in the area of Dytiki Achaia through Local Actions for Employment and Basic Literacy sessions
Our best practices
ARiS Project- “Suite of Key Competences Resources” and “Resources Repository “
Suite of Key Competences consist the meta-database of the Resources collected to satisfy the multicompetences purpose of the ARiS project for the re-integration of the long unemployed 35+ into the labor market.
EDGE Project- Final Report Publication | Including the “Handbook for Practitioners”
The final report compiles the findings and best practice solutions gathered throughout our project’s implementation period and is available and disseminated to any interested education providers.
MUPYME Project – Training Platform (Knowledge Area 6: Informatics)
The project MUPYME, apart from raising awareness about the need for customized training and using new technologies that make training more friendly and flexible, it also has direct benefit in generating employment and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, with a focus on women.
InnoVal Project- “Mapping the Needs of InnoVal Target Groups: The Individuals Perspective” Publication
Mapping the Needs of InnoVal Target Groups: The Individuals Perspective, is a study carried out by Dafni Kek, investigating the specific needs of disadvantaged groups such as migrants, refugees, early school leavers and long-term unemployed.
EPALE Article – Adult learning and employability: the value of communication
EAEA brings together
120 organisations from 43 countries.
Members in Greece

Ordinary member
Athens Lifelong Learning Institute

Associate member

Ordinary member

Associate member
Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης- Vocational Training Centre (DAFNI KEK)
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