
28.10.2022 advocacy, skills

2023 will be the EU Year of Skills

In her State of the Union address in September, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen proclaimed 2023 as the European Year of Skills. Representing the European non-formal adult learning and education sector with its thousands of providers and millions of learners, we very much welcome this thematic year and are ready to contribute to its success.

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03.10.2022 EAEA members, policy

“We are always keen on looking outside the Austrian adult education box” – meet ARGE BHÖ

Through EAEA membership, ARGE BHÖ is expanding its international cooperation and widening its perspectives on adult education. “We want to strengthen our association by continuously taking a critical look at how we operate ”, says Gaby Filzmoser from ARGE BHÖ. This article is part of EAEA’s campaign introducing our members to the European adult education community.

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13.09.2022 advocacy, Erasmus+

Erasmus+: Improvements for ALE, but further efforts still needed

During the summer, the European Commission collected feedback for its Erasmus+ 2021-2027 interim evaluation and Erasmus+ 2014-2020 final evaluation. EAEA prepared a response, bringing together feedback from the EAEA members to the previous and current Erasmus+ programmes.

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08.09.2022 EAEA members, lifelong learning

Promoting access to lifelong learning in Romania: Meet CPIP

“Learning is going out of one’s comfort zone, and doing that is never an easy mission”, says Daiana Huber, presenting the work of CPIP. This article is part of EAEA’s campaign introducing our members to the European adult education community.

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01.09.2022 advocacy, EAEA members

Advocacy and policy making for adult learning in Ireland: meet AONTAS

“Being a member of EAEA means we are part of a collective in Europe”, says Kate Smyth, presenting the work of AONTAS, the National Adult Learning organisation in Ireland. This article is part of EAEA’s campaign introducing our members to the European adult education community.

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30.08.2022 advocacy, learner voice, Learning mobility, Outreach

Nothing for us without us: reflections from study visits to Dublin

How can adult learning providers and associations better include learners’ voice across their activities? Two mobilities to Dublin encouraged the staff of Lire et Ecrire, Le Monde des Possibles and EAEA to reflect on systemic ways that facilitate equal participation of adults in learning.

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29.08.2022 development, EAEA Grundtvig Award 2022, elderly, social inclusion

Aging Laboratory: increasing knowledge about the process of aging

“The creation of the Laboratory of Aging is based on three fundamental pillars: research, knowledge, and creation”, says Mariana Ramos from Municipality of Ílhavo. The winning project in the national category of the EAEA Grundtvig Awards introduces us to its activities.

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29.08.2022 learner voice, Learning mobility, Outreach

From a day of dreams to a multilingual choir

In April 2022, EAEA visited several organisations in Barcelona and Girona that value diversity and community-based approaches. We learned how adult learning organisations can create a welcoming environment for learners from all walks of life.

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25.08.2022 learner voice, Learning mobility, Outreach

Creative ways of bringing learner voices forward: reflections from study visits to Paris and Rome

What can adult learning organisations do to strengthen the voice of their learners, especially those who are the most vulnerable? Belgian adult educators  travelled to Paris and Rome to explore pedagogical and advocacy tools that can benefit migrants and refugees.

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25.08.2022 EAEA members, social inclusion

Non-formal adult education for vulnerable groups: meet League 33

“Our goal is to introduce European standards in non-formal adult education in Serbia, and issue certificates that are internationally recognized”, says Miroslav Pavlović, the president of League 33, presenting the work of the association. This article is part of EAEA’s campaign introducing our members to the wider adult education community.

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