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Training courses for teachers, educators and trainers: ICT teaching skills

28/11-2/12/2022, Wrocław, Poland.

NGO Trainers’ Association in Poland (sTOP) organises a series of training courses for teachers, educators and trainers for 2022-2023.

The first workshop is “ICT TEACHING SKILLS”. A 5-day course devoted to improving digital skills used in education (formal and informal), in particular in creating videos and PowerPoint presentations.

The workshop will also take place on 17-21/07/2023 & 27/11-1/12/2023 in Wrocław.

More information available. sTOP courses 2022 – 2023

You can participate through the registration form.

Please note that the courses are organised by our member, NGO Trainers’ Association in Poland and not EAEA!

For more information you can contact anna.skocz(at)stowarzyszeniestop.pl or the website of the organisation.

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to 7.7.
Howard Civil Service International House