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Stuttgart, Germany


Study visit: Innovation in Adult Learning in the region of Baden-Württemberg

During this study visit, innovative ALE initiatives in Baden-Württemberg (BW) will be investigated, mainly focusing  on digital learning in ALE including hard- and software solutions, methodological  approaches, digital content of learning offers for different target groups (low-skilled adults,  parents, seniors etc.) and business models for digital and hybrid learning. A special focus will be placed on the offers that encourage inclusion of migrants. 

The activity will consist of a mixture of on-site visits at schools and education  partners’ premises and discussion forums with relevant stakeholders from the local and  regional level in the framework of the alliance for lifelong learning BW.

The event will take place within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA3 REGALE project. and will be hosted by VHS Baden-Württemberg. If interested, please contact Aleksandra Kozyra at aleksandra.kozyra (at) eaea.org.


Stuttgart, Germany

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to 7.7.
Howard Civil Service International House