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Online seminar: Inspirational Training and Challenges for its Quality

The Latvian Adult Education Association invites to a 3-day international seminar “Inspirational Training and Challenges for its Quality”. The seminar will take place on March 17, 18, 19, 2021 via zoom. Participants from Latvia, Germany, Italy and Czech Republic have already applied for the seminar.

Target group: adult education providers, organizers, trainers

Working language: English


  • Challenges of adult education in the world: goals, different systems, quality criteria;
  • The latest neurobiology lessons on learning and learning outcomes;
  • Methods of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of adult education;
  • A challenge for adult educators – “Teach to learn”;
  • Creating an inspiring and high-quality learning process;
  • Thinking mistakes and ways to correct them;
  • Methods of developing critical thinking.
  • Exchange of experience.

Trainer: Ilze Saleniece is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Education Innovation Center of the University of Latvia, also works at the Ministry of Education and Science and is a lecturer at the School of Public Administration, in  BA School of Business and Finance and in various educational projects. Ilze has more than 15 years of experience in education, working in international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations in Latvia, as well as in the private sector and taking on various roles, from learning process planning and management, research project implementation, international education project, process and partnership management and finally with education policy planning. Ilze holds a Master’s degree in International and Comparative Education from the University of Oxford and a Master’s degree in Education and Communication Science from the University of Latvia. Ilze is currently continuing her doctoral studies at the University of Latvia, researching issues related to the effectiveness of education.

Participants will get a certificate.

Participation fee: 30.00 eur

Contact info: Sarmīte Pīlāte, sarmite.pilate [a] laea.lv, phone: +26178703

Please apply by March 12 using this link.

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29.10. @ 3:00 pm

to 29.10. @ 5:00 pm