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MOVE-UP Webinar ‘’Reaching out to adult learners: key success factor for upskilling pathways’’

The EU-funded MOVE-UP project is developing a flexible and quality upskilling pathway for unemployed women who are dedicating most of their time and efforts to the role of mother and who are in need to (re) join education activities and the job market.
One of the focus of the consortium is also to improve outreach strategies and activities to positively and successfully engage with potential adult learners and improve their participation in upskilling pathways in a broader sense.

If you are interested in supporting adults to re-join education activities and to enhance Personal Social and Learning competences as well as basic skills (literacy, digital, financial etc.), we invite you to join us for our first MOVE-UP Alliance International Webinar on 16 November at 16.00 – 17.30 CET, to give us feedback on our outreach strategy and share your experiences and good practices on how to improve adult participation in education across Europe.

Webinar programme and registration are available on the MOVE-UP website 
Registration form

For more information: Viola Pinzi – viola.pinzi@eaea.org

The MOtherhood Valorisation and Empowerment for professional development – Upskilling Pathways / MOVE-UP project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.





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to 7.7.
Howard Civil Service International House