Euroflat Hotel
EAEA event:
Basic digital skills for inclusion and active citizenship of low-skilled adults
Nowadays, digital inclusion is key to social inclusion and active participation in the community, in the city, in the labour market, in education, in leisure time activities, etc. Yet, according to Eurostat 43% of Europeans do not have basic digital skills. What does this mean? Who are those 43% and what do we mean by basic digital skills? The Digital Competence Framework for citizens has the answers. It defines the skills needed by ALL citizens to function in the digital society. Yet, it is surprisingly little known to politicians and other stakeholders beyond the digital education field. It can bring a much-needed common understanding across sectors (education, employment, digitalization), which is key to successful policies.
We believe that providing adults with a tailored-made training based on their specific needs is an effective way to foster their digital skills and bring them to a level that would allow them to use online services, express their opinion and access reliable and diversified information. Improving citizens’ digital skills will empower them to play an active role in society, access and progress in the labour market, and engage in further education and training in a lifelong learning perspective.
15:30 Registration and welcome coffee
16:00 Welcome words by the moderator (policy context and purpose of the event) (Gabriela Ruseva, ALL DIGITAL)
16:10 Panel discussion on the links between basic digital skills and active citizenship with policymakers and adult education practitioners + Q&A
- William O’Keeffe, European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL),Unit E.2 – Skills and Qualifications
- Anusca Ferrari, European Commission – Directorate-General Education and Culture (EAC), Unit C1 – Innovation and EIT
- Daniel Bonvoisin, Responsable de l’éducation permanente, Media Animation
- Philippe Seidel Leroy, Policy and EP Liaison Officer Age platform
17:00 The digital competence development system as a comprehensive system for digital skills training and validation – lessons learned and policy recommendations + debate with the audience
- Peter Palvolgyi, ALL DIGITAL (DCDS project context)
- Francesca Operti, EAEA (DCDS policy recommendations)
- 1-2 field partners intervene re. their national contexts
17:45 Final remarks (Renato Sabbadini, ALL DIGITAL)
18:00 Networking cocktail
The workshop is organised by ALL DIGITAL and EAEA in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Week.
More information about events during the Lifelong Learning Week