Brussels, Belgium
EAEA event:
ImplOED and LSE final conferences: improving lives and social cohesion through adult education
The two-day conference will present the final results of two Erasmus+ projects coordinated by EAEA: Implementing Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity (implOED) and Life Skills for Europe (LSE). The discussions will be centred around the role of life skills and outreach, empowerment and diversity in improving social cohesion and lives of people living in the EU.
N.B.Some funding is available to support participants attending both events: send EAEA an email if you wish to apply! Please find more information in the two registration links.
16/10/2018, 2.30pm – 5.30pm; Brussels
“Transforming lives, society and adult education through life skills”
The Life Skills project consortium will present tools for introducing the life skills approach in the basic skills provision in Europe and recommendations on how to support a change in basic skills policies. Best practice examples will be illustrated in order to understand the benefits of Life Skills for learners from a disadvantaged background, but not only. The project indeed focuses on three target groups: learners with a disadvantaged background, refugees and Europeans with a hostile attitude to foreigners and intercultural exchange.
- Final programme
- Register here (The event is free of charge but registrations are mandatory)
17/10/2018, 9.00am – 5.30pm; Brussels
“Transforming lives, society and adult education through outreach, empowerment and diversity”
The partners of the implOED project will share their experiences in implementing the principles of Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity at the providers and policy level. One of the main results of the project, presented during the event, will be an instruction manual, bringing together the partners’ recommendations on how to make outreach, empowerment and diversity reality. The manual will also include concrete suggestions on how to transfer the OED products to different sectors and geographical areas.
- Final programme
- Workshops’ description
- Register here (The event is free of charge but registrations are mandatory)