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Global Campaign Kick-off Event: we are ale!

For the first time, civil society organizations committed to ale have come together to adopt a shared global definition of adult learning and education. Practitioners, learners and civil society representatives from five continents will speak with one voice proclaiming – we are ale!

The kick-off event on 22 March 20201, 2:00 – 3:30 pm CET on zoom, will be the start of a five year global campaign to increase the visibility of adult learning and education worldwide, and to empower civil society to speak with one voice to advance the rights of all youth and adults to quality education and lifelong learning.

Let’s come together, support each other and proclaim to the world that – we are ale!
You can already register for the zoom event.

Feel free to dowload and share the official invitation to the event.

Partners of this campaign:
ASPBAE – Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education
CASAE – Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education
CEAAL-Consejo de Educación de Adultos de América Latina
CLADE – Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education
DVV International- Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV)
EAEA- European Association for the Education of Adults
GCE- Global Campaign for Education
ICAE – International Council for Adult Education
JACAE – Jamaican Council for Adult Education
Pamoja West Africa – West African Network of Reflect practitioners
PIMA – Pascal International Members Association
REPEM – Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres
UIL – UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

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29.10. @ 3:00 pm

to 29.10. @ 5:00 pm