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EAEA European Elections Lab 3: Countering disinformation in the media

Banner with EAEA blue and yellow colours including the text from the description of the event. The text explains who the fascilitator of the event is.

During the third edition of our European Elections lab, we’ll focus on analysing disinformation in the media and building media literacy. We’ll look at some of the narratives and techniques used through the media to influence opinions, together with the ways in which adult educators can support their learners to identify problems in any kind of text and improve their own analysis skills.

The workshop will be facilitated by Alliance4Europe, a non-profit that connects communities and innovative civic tech for impactful campaigns and citizen action, and Public Editor, a community that is tackling disinformation in the news.

Date and time: 14th of May, 15:00 – 16:30 CET

Venue: online (on Zoom)

Register via this link.




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