Building Harmony: the first Live and Learn video is ready!

ELM, the European Lifelong Learning Magazine, is now bringing you the first video, coming all the way from Finland. You can also have a look below to discover the story of an amateur orchestra and their conductor.

BUILDING HARMONY Live and Learn – Stories of adult learning from Elm Magazine on Vimeo.

Yet another one, from Denmark, takes the learner’s perspective and proves that difficult school experiences do not have to spoil the pleasure of learning in later life. Find out what Søren Jensen has to say about his story:

NO UPPER LIMIT Live and Learn -Stories of adult learning from Elm Magazine on Vimeo.

All the videos will be screened during the final project workshop which will take place in Brussels on June 29, during EAEA’s Annual Conference. Don’t forget to follow the project on Instagram to find out what was happening behind the scenes!