EAEA Country Reports 2019 published

This is the last edition that will take this format, as, from now on, we will be presenting the country reports on a new database – making it even easier to compare situations year by year, and country by country, as well as providing an opportunity for researching policy relating to specific areas – ‘Upskilling Pathways’ for example.

The country reports provide a means for:

  • Informing colleagues and adult education stakeholders across Europe with developments and recommendations for your country
  • Comparison between your situation and that of other countries or regions in Europe over the past six years
  • Provide inspiration on innovative practices for colleagues and policy makers

The country specific information on adult education policy could act as a tool for influencing the European Semester, the cycle of yearly economic and structural policy coordination from the European Commission.

For more information:

Adult Education in Europe 2019 – A Civil Society View pdf

Previous country report publications