The parallel workshops will be organised 18 November 11:00 – 12:15 CET. Read more about the programme and register on the main conference page.
1. Competences for active citizenship and digital transformation – This workshop is full
What competences do adults need to be digital citizens? Are there any that are the most urgent ones to develop? What competences are the most fundamental ones? During an interactive workshop, Helder Touças from Lisbon City Council will invite participants to share their views on the competences needed for digital citizenship.
You will also hear from Chiara Palazzetti, who represents the #GEMMA project. #GEMMA promoted a model of social engagement in the region of Umbria, Italy and won the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2021.
2. Is there a right to an analogue life? Spaces for learning and citizenship outside of online environments
This workshop is cancelled.
3. Power dynamics in participation and exclusion in a virtual space
What aspects keep adults from actively participating in virtual spaces? How are power structures shaped by an increased platformatisation of learning? Are adult educators platform users or creators? During an interactive workshop, Nils-Eyk Zimmermann from Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten will open a discussion about different issues that affect participation and exclusion in virtual spaces. He will share lessons learnt from Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship (DIGIT-AL), a European project which won the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2021.
4. Artificial Intelligence in adult learning: the way forward?
Although Artificial Intelligence has become part of our daily lives long ago, its connection with adult learning remains blurry. How can adult learning demystify AI? How much do AI systems contribute to the democratization of adult education? During an interactive workshop facilitated by Maja Maksimovic, participants will get to hear about an example of a pervasive game which opened a conversation about AI with citizens of Belgrade, Serbia. Reflections about the game as well as the role of AI in informal learning will be shared by Sunčica Pasuljević-Kandić. Participants will also discuss the priority topics for the development of AI literacy and the role of adult learning in ensuring an ethical and inclusive use of AI.