
Adult Education and Citizenship

EAEA sees adult education as a central pillar to improving citizenship education within the European Union. In a newly published report on Adult Education and Citizenship, EAEA puts forward a number of recommendations on how to make citizenship a part of adult education provision.

The report discusses how citizenship education is becoming more poignant in contemporary society given the present political climate. Lifelong learning is a cornerstone to good citizenship education provision. By supporting people in developing the skills needed to engage actively in society they become better practiced, recognise how those skills remain relevant in an ever changing world, as well as involve those who did not receive appropriate citizenship education at school.

A very brief summary of the recommendations made:

  • Recognition and prioritisation of adult education, especially informal education, and adult education trainers
  • Policy makers should encourage the creation of opportunities for the adult learners to use and develop their citizenship skills
  • Education providers also have a role to play by encouraging citizenship-relevant skills: improving learners’ confidence and ability to participate they will be better prepared to engage as citizens when opportunities arise

Read the full AE and Citizenship paper pdf

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