DAFNI KEK contributed the tool Us&Them, a project aiming to train educators who work with adults to promote tolerance and understanding of the ‘others’ in a multicultural world. The project is made up of eight participating countries encompassing various traditions, cultures and religions, and valorises experiences that belong to the representative cultures: Christian, Muslims, Jewish, Hindu. Due to the diversity in Europe, it became necessary to know and understand different traditions, religions and cultures.
The applicability of the innovative tool for the development of Life Skills
This tool will improve multicultural skills of educators in the field of Adult Education by offering high-quality learning opportunities for learners living in multicultural and mixed communities. As an e-learning system, the tool is free to use once the individual is logged in, and provides a whole spectrum of resources. Through non-formal and informal education and training, learners will gain tolerance, acceptance, openness, understanding and reciprocal knowledge concerning different religious background and cultural traditions, affiliation to different ethnicities or social clusters, etc.