GO-ACT – Generations in actions – the role of intergenerational learning in active ageing

The GO-ACT project focuses on intergenerational learning in different fields, such as adult education, working life, early year´s education, and intercultural contexts.


The aims of the GoAct project are to:

  • raise awareness of policy-makers, persons dealing with educational planning, academics and umbrella organisations as well as the general public on the importance of lifelong learning in ageing processes,
  • change the common image of elderly people and ageing in Europe through educational means and awareness raising (inclusion of journalists),
  • transfer knowledge, methods and good practice for intergenerational learning from project supported under the four main Actions of the LLP, and
  • develop ideas for innovative approaches to intergenerational learning.

Intergenerational learning is a very broad topic, touching on many policy areas. Within the broad area, the project has identified four topics. While they share some common concerns, they involve different actors, agencies and approaches, and were examined separately under the broad umbrella of intergenerational learning. They are:

  • intergenerational learning in adult education
  • intergenerational learning in working life (and the workplace)
  • intergenerational learning in early years education (broadly involving children aged 3-10)
  • intergenerational learning in intercultural contexts


The plan involves five stages:

1. Position paper: A paper with an overview/introduction, explaining the policy and demographic context, followed by four short papers on the topics listed above (20-30 pages in all)

2. Workshop day, for scientists, practitioners and selected project representatives. There was a short introduction to the project purpose and the context, followed by workshops based on the four topics. Each workshop discussed and refined the relevant section of the position paper, hear brief presentations from key relevant projects, and prepare views on next steps/ways forward for development on their topic.

3. Conference: bringing together the practitioners and scientists with policymakers, managers and stakeholders. To see the videos prepared by the trainee journalists, to discuss the draft position paper, and presentations from the four workshop groups, and to prepare proposals for further action.

4. Network: The network of individuals and agencies created from the Workshop day and the Conference helped refine the strategy.

5. Strategy for intergenerational learning, was the final outcome of the project, drawing on the findings of the workshop day and the conference, and discussions through the network.


Kick-off meeting – 14-15/01/2013, Brussels

Project conference – 17-18/06/2013, Brussels

Network meeting – 16/09/2013, Brussels
