
E-engAGEd is a transformative project funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Commission. It aims to bridge generational divides and enhance digital, social, and political engagement among young adults (aged 18-25) and older adults (aged 50+) through an innovative intergenerational learning approach.

E-engAGEd addresses the pressing need for digital literacy and critical thinking skills in an era dominated by online information. By fostering collaboration between younger and older generations, the project seeks to create a more inclusive and empowered society.

Through a combination of intergenerational debates, media literacy training, and policy advocacy, E-engAGEd empowers participants to navigate the complexities of the digital world, identify misinformation, and actively engage in civic and political processes.

The project is driven by the urgent need to address digital literacy gaps, combat misinformation, and foster critical thinking skills in an increasingly digital society. By empowering both young and older adults with the necessary skills and knowledge, e-engAGEd aims to promote active citizenship and strengthen democracy.

E-engAGEd targets two distinct yet interconnected groups: young adults (aged 18-25) and older adults (aged 50+). By bringing these generations together, the project fosters mutual learning, understanding, and collaboration, creating a supportive environment for knowledge exchange and skill development.


  • Increased digital literacy and critical thinking skills among participants.
  • Enhanced collaboration and understanding between young adults and older adults.
  • Empowered participants to actively engage in civic and political processes.
  • Raised awareness about misinformation and its impact on society.
  • Fostered a sense of community and belonging among participants across different age groups.