European Elections 2014

In 2014, a new European Parliament was elected. EAEA contacted candidates for Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from different EU countries to ask them about their views on adult education and non-formal adult learning. We wanted to know how committed MEP candidates are to promote adult education in Europe. On this webpage we are publishing the answers we received.

See what the MEP candidates had to say:

 MEP Candidates

 Top Candidates – Candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission

Martin Schulz, PES, Germany

“It is necessary to further support the acquisition and recognition of  skills and competences based on non-formal and informal learning.”  

 MEP Candidates

Vlado Čuš, Zeleni Slovenije, Slovenia

(Answers in Slovenian)

Sari Essayah, Christian Democrats/EPP, Finland

“It is important to create a learning culture from the pre-school onwards, to provide interesting and useful courses, to build peer groups, to find support persons and teachers that can lower the threshold in engaging in education and to support the continuing education of teachers.”

Rolando Benjamin Vaz Ferreira, Piratsaka stranka, Slovenia

(Answers in Slovenian)

Morten Helveg Petersen, De Radikale, Denmark

“Lifelong Learning must be for everybody, both those with many ressources, who participate on their own initiative all through life, and for those groups who need to have the options presented to them to get started.”

Nadja Hirsch, Freie Demokratische Partei/ALDE, Germany

“Through non-formal education, it is possible to transfer important knowledge and skills outside of the formal education system, thus guaranteeing these people better employability.”

Liisa Jaakonsaari, Social Democratic Party, Finland

“The EU 2020 strategy is important and it highlights lifelong learning strongly.”

Kent Johansson, Swedish Centre Party, Sweden

“One of the biggest European challenges in the future is how we deal with the environment and the climate. If we are to face those challenges we need new knowledge and new skills – as well as new perspectives.”

Judith Kirton-Darling, Labour Party, United Kingdom

“Much more attention is needed on lifelong learning, continuous training and workplace learning, as these policies are fundamental to tackling and preventing long-term and adult unemployment, as well as managing restructuring, dismissals and the transition to a green economy.”

Jeppe Kofod, Social Democratic Party, Denmark

“It is the responsibility of society to offer free, good and accessible education with the possibility of grants, especially for the unemployed and the adults with outdated or no professional education.”

Merja Kyllönen, Left Alliance, Finland

“The project funding needs to be more focused. Even a small amount of money can bring results in education especially in the countries that are lacking behind.”

Igor Lukšič, nosilec liste Socialni demokrati, Slovenia

(Answers in Slovenian)

Morten Messerschmidt, Dansk Folkeparti/EFD, Denmark

“EU must not interfere in our educational policies.”

Martina Michels, DIE LINKE, Germany

“It is of utmost importance to simplify the access to programmes such as Erasmus+ or programmes that are developed with the Structural and Regional Funds in the member states.”

Marit Paulsen, Folkpartiet/Liberal Party of Sweden, Sweden

“I think it’s important that we have a mutual system for validation of Adult Education.”

Sirpa Pietikäinen, The National Coalition party/EPP, Finland

“A European Council summit focusing on increasing investment in education and innovation for the successful future and economy, must be organized.”

Olli Rehn, Centre Party/ALDE, Finland

“As the top candidate of my political group ALDE I would try and influence the future working programme of the new commission by strenthening the role of adult education in the education policy.”

Igor Šoltes, Verjamem, Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa, Slovenia

(Answers in Slovenian)

Nils Torvalds, Swedish People’s Party/ALDE, Finland

“Changing conditions increase the need for people to engage in adult education.”

Ulla Tørnæs, Venstre, Denmark

“In the European Parliament we must be aware that we do not make decisions that limit the possibilities for adult education and lifelong learning in the member states.”

Sabine Verheyen, Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands, Germany

“It is the responsibility of enterprises to strengthen their efforts to achieve age- and ageing-adequate work environments and staff management that is sensitive to various demographics.”

Milan Zver, nosilec liste SDS, Slovenia

(Answers in Slovenian)

 Political groups

Christian Social Union in Bavaria, Germany

“Informed and educated citizens with a reflected value orientation are the basis of a powerful community that is supported by civic engagement. Education is the key to a living democracy.”

 DIE LINKE, Germany

“We need to improve the financial and juridical framework within the field. Education is a task for society as a whole, and it has to be financed by the state.”

Marita Ulvskog, Olle Ludvigsson, Jens Nilsson and Anna Hedh, Social Democrats, Sweden

“It is important that employability is not the only goal linked to education – it is also important to strengthen individuals on a personal level and to provide other tools that we all need in life.”

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, Germany

“We welcome explicitly the initiative of European Year for Adult Education. We think that the European Year can create higher visibility for topics that deserve more awareness.”