Disseminated projects

The following projects are disseminated by EAEA in the framework of the EAEA dissemination services.

DEMAL – Design, monitoring and evaluating adult learning classes – Supporting quality in adult learning

The project seeks to support contribute to the quality of adult learning by supporting the development of two professional key competences in adult educators and trainers:
• Design of the Adult Learning Process, and
• Monitoring and Evaluation of the Adult Learning Process


The project, launched in 2016, was initiated to provide EU foreign national inmates in EU prisons with access to qualitative, low threshold, certified learning opportunities provided by home institutions but received by the inmate in an EU foreign prison.

LiMe – Languages in Media

The project aims to help adult language learners and trainers to understand the in-depth social-cultural aspects of the new language. The final product of the project is an online platform where learners and teachers can improve not only their language competences, but also their cultural understanding.

Lit.Voc –  Literacy and Vocation

The project identifies literacy needs for vocational purposes and develops concepts and materials for literacy and numeracy education (skills for life) in Europe.

ILEAC – Intergenerational Learning for European Active Citizenship

The project aims at giving youngest and oldest citizens the opportunity to reflect on the reasons behind the European integration; boosting the debate on the relevance of EU policies on citizens’ daily lives; and initiating an intergenerational dialogue about the significance of the European values providing the target groups with the knowledge to actively participate to the EU democratic process.

+APL – More Flexible VET Systems based on the Assessment of Prior Learning

The project aims to transfer innovative methodologies and tools on validation of non-formal and informal learning, used with recognized success in Portugal. It also aims to implement the methodologies with groups of vocational educational training professionals in Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Poland.