Archive – Validation of learning

The identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning aim at making visible and valuing the full range of knowledge and competences held by an individual, irrespective of where or how they have been acquired. EAEA sees validation as a key tool to promote lifelong learning, to ensure more flexible learning pathways, to encourage learners and build their self-confidence as well as to create a more comprehensive understanding of competences. Projects on validation promote all these things.

EAEA-led projects


Action plan for validation and non-formal adult education (AVA)

By analysing tools and methodologies in different European countries and proposing solutions from the civil society perspective, this project will contribute to reducing the fragmentation of validation systems on different levels, namely policy and practice.


Transnational prison up-skilling guidance and training model (SkillHUBS)

The project developed a transnational counselling and training model for inmates and to elaborate recommendations for the introduction of the model into national prison education systems across Europe.


Partner projects

Transnational Peer Review for Quality Assurance in Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Extended

The project aims to increase the transparency, market relevance, consistency and transferability of VNFIL across Europe.



Widening Roma womens’ access to non-formal and informal learning validation systems (ROM-ACT)

The project’s aim is to widen recognition of the skills and competences that the Roma community has acquired in formal and non-formal activities and to encourage centres for adult education and civil society organizations to support them in their validation process.



Mutual recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering – towards a European debate (MOVE)

The project focuses on mutual recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering amongst different stakeholders from the voluntary sector, business, formal education and government as well as accreditation bodies.


Disseminated projects

More Flexible VET Systems based on the Assessment of Prior Learning (+APL)

The project aims to transfer innovative methodologies and tools on validation of non-formal and informal learning used in Portugal to groups of vocational educational training professionals in Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Poland.